Its crazy how much has happened this past year. We welcomed in our sweet boy in February and he is just growing like a weed. We also celebrated our bubbly Daughter's 3rd birthday.
It fascinates me to see how far Zak and I have come in our lives as well as our marriage. As a child I never thought that marriage really took as much work as it did...I always thought it was just what happened. You get married, have kids and that was that. But no way is it just THAT simple. A marriage requires so much "work" but it requires some "down" time also. You need to enjoy it, not just see it as a habit forming lifestyle cause then what kind of progression are you and your spouse gaining? none. Learning to throw in a few moments everyday for the rest of your marriage, such as a moment to laugh together, a moment to cry together, a moment to yell at each other and a moment to just BE together...these 4 things are what will help your marriage grow. They will help your marriage become more than just a marriage, but being with THE ONE. You can be 50 years old and still not know the full potential of being married to your life long partner, all due to being busy with everyday schedules between you both as well as taking care of your kids...
Now even if you do those 4 things, you can still let time pass and you begin to feel tension between you both, that is when you need to set aside an hour and just re-group with your spouse.
Now mind you, I am definitely not saying my marriage is perfect. Please don't be mistaken...That is one thing that social media is GREAT for, is masking everyone's life if they allow it. Here...let me take a couple of your reading seconds and put MY life TRULY out there.
Everyday, if we put it all together, I spend a good hour (not all at once of course) but yes,a good hour, yelling at our 3 year old...if you didn't see her typical 3 year old attitude, you'd think I was mean.
Me and Zak, bicker ALOT and get on one anothers nerves, our fights have gotten pretty bad at times, from my crazy hormones making me CRAZY to his patients defusing and we yell at each other and have called each other names.
This is life though, nobody has a picture perfect life. Oh and, my house can get DISGUSTING!! Like...I've left dishes in the sink long enough to mold and also...more than not, I make mac and cheese or peanut butter and jelly for dinner....
A couple weeks ago my brother in law said to me regarding messes "Your home isn't messy, you just know how to have fun." I loved it.
But I sure do try to be the molly housewife that I fan over on pinterest or tv or my neighbors.
Life to my readers out there, I don't want you to degrade yourselves as a spouse or parent, it is the efforts we put into loving and caring for our homes and our families that truly matters. Over the years I have had to develop a routine of setting "me" time aside as well, I began to be too consumed in my electronics, in my kids, and in Zak as well as my past callings or jobs, that I forgot to take a minute to myself and read a book or meditate and treat my mind and soul. Which isn't a bad thing to care for your obligations and be dedicated to completion, but if you don't treat yourself, you can't REALLY treat your spouse and children. "Learn to love yourself so you can fully love others. - Sonja Mylin"